7th annual Pacific Slope "Mumbleypeg" Event.
1st annual PGSSTA Executive Strategic Planning Retreat.
Great things happen when teachers collaborate. Ever since it's formation in 2010, the Pacific Slope Educational Consortium has staged an annual retreat to develop an essential inquiry for the year and share our progress towards placing critical thinking in the core of our individual and collective practices. These events take place at our Purden Lake Conference Centre over an evening and adjacent Pro-D day -- a key realization of our ongoing goal to engage in meaningful, place-based, and productive professional learning. This year we are happy to host the executive of the recently formed Prince George Social Studies Teachers' Association as they map out their activities for the coming year. We get things going on Sunday June 4th with an evening session on developments with the new Social Studies curriculum. On Monday June 5th the Pacific Slope will reflect and share on their upcoming publication for Social Studies 9 and the PGSSTA will plan a fall retreat for local Social Studies teachers and consider some new initiatives to support its members. Both groups will then turn to critical questions regarding the new curriculum and associated classroom practice. Of particular interest are the various Grade 11/12 Social Studies electives in place for the next school year and what local teachers are planning to do with them.