An excursion to a claim on the Willow River, less than an hour east of Prince George.Vince Truant has organized this field experience for Sep 29th, Friday morning at 10 a.m. to coincide with our district's Curriculum Implementation Day. It is a hands-on visit to a small gold claim and a chance to learn about amateur prospecting and tie-ins to the elements of gold fever that students find interesting when working through the gold rush(es). This excursion is connected to the dimension of place-based and experiential learning that are intended as important delivery systems for the revised curriculum. Vince's principal and the PGSSTA are supporting this event. A some folks going out to this (both teachers and potentially "colourful" characters associated with the claim), and there is room for a few more -- if you are interested, email Vince by noon on Sep 28th and he will give you the directions and instructions. Expect to get wet and dirty. vtruant at |
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